Our Mission

The mission of the MNS Selangor Branch Mycology Group is to promote the understanding, appreciation, documentation, ethics, and conservation of fungi in Malaysia. 

The world as we know it wouldn't exist without fungi. Fungi have been around for more than a billion years - working as the natural world's architects and alchemists. They are critical links between the health, stability, and abundance of the soil, plants, and freshwater on which life depends. The third "F" to flora and fauna, funga, is often cast aside - a forgotten kingdom. 

We aim to foster a collaborative community of enthusiasts and professionals dedicated to advancing mycological research, education, and conservation efforts. Through public outreach, educational programs, webinars, photography and cultivation workshops, guided mushroom forays, and scientific research, we strive to highlight the vital role fungi play in our ecosystems and to inspire a greater commitment to preserving Malaysia's natural biodiversity. 

The MNS Selangor Branch Mycology SIG is for anyone looking to learn more about fungal ecology and how to incorporate fungi into their life.


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