Uncovering Hidden Diversity: A Collaborative Fungi Survey at Bukit Dinding
On October 13th, 2024, the Malaysian Nature Society Selangor Branch (MNSSB) Mycology Special Interest Group (SIG) conducted a fungi survey at Bukit Dinding. A team of 10 participants spent over 5.5 hours exploring the tarmac route and the Senior Citizens Trail, covering a total distance of 6.7 kilometers. Despite surveying just a small section of the hill, we made 175 observations and confidently recorded 52 different species of fungi , with more still to be identified. Before our survey, Bukit Dinding had only 12 observations of fungi on the iNaturalist platform, representing 10 species from 5 observers. Thanks to our group’s efforts, this number has now grown to 195 observations and 58 species , contributed by 9 observers (with many more still to be uploaded). The findings from this survey provide a snapshot of the incredible fungal diversity at Bukit Dinding, even in the more accessible areas of the hill. Our results have been uploaded to the Bukit Dinding Fungi Survey Project on iN...